"Bankruptcy Case - when it gets sour..."
Mr. Willy Fantin, Ex-CEO of Heidi.com
Communications and marketing expert Willy Fantin stands out for his passion for innovative marketing and his diverse expertise covering public relations, events and branding. He will share his experience with heidi.com, a brand he co-founded that went bankrupt 15 years later. He will explain how this experience, despite financial failure, was essential in forging genuine courage and opened unexpected doors in his future career.
Second Speaker and Topic To Be Announced
Register now

TMA Europe - International Symposium & Annual European
A highlight in the European event calendar, the TMA Global International Symposium & TMA Europe Annual European is the destination of choice for international turnaround professionals from across Europe, the USA and beyond.
Save the date for this premier event with a full programme of cutting-edge knowledge sharing, business development and excellent peer-to-peer networking opportunities.
The 2025 conference will be held at the Pullman Paris Tour Eiffel, Paris with stunning views of this historic Parisian landmark.
“We sponsor this Conference each year. We do that because we know our brand is highly visible both before and during the event. The return on investment is consistent and has opened new avenues that underpin our business development goals.”
“It doesn’t get better than to capture the elite of turnaround professionals between 20 countries in a room to quickly get a finger on the pulse of what is next and stay ahead. A warm group of leaders makes for a welcoming experience.”
“An outstanding opportunity to network with colleagues, cross-border professionals and meet friends from different jurisdictions. A real highlight.”
Who attends the International Symposium & Annual European?
Now attracting 200+ turnaround and restructuring professionals, not just from Europe but also from North America and beyond for two days of cutting-edge industry expertise, high value case studies, industry masterclasses, roundtables and peer-to-peer networking.
Bolstered by the addition of TMA NOW (Network of Women) and TMA NextGen programming, the return on investment of this defining annual event has never been higher.
Utilising an event app, Sponsors and Attendees connect with convenience before, during and after the event like never before. The app Sponsors digital coverage in addition to onsite branding opportunities with all Sponsors and Attendees able to schedule 1:1 meetings.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Contact us to indicate your interest and you will the first to receive the registration link.
All sessions will be held onsite at the Pullman Paris Tour Eiffel, unless otherwise stated.
1300-1430 TMA Europe Representation Committee – By invitation only 1500-1600 TMA Europe Chapter Leaders Meeting – By invitation only 1630-1730 TMA Global CPC Leaders Meeting – By invitation only 1930-2130 TMA France Cocktail Event – offsite. Hosted by TMA France. Event details to be confirmed
0830-1800 Networking Hub & Sponsor Lounge. 1:1 meetings available throughout the day 0900 Welcome & Opening Remarks 0930 Keynote: Seismic Shifts in Geopolitics & Economics – The Great Philosophical Divide 1030 Break 1100 Breakout 1: TMA NOW case study 1100 Breakout 2: Retail & Luxury Goods 1200-1330 Networking Lunch 1300-1600 EACTP Turnaround Workshop 1330 Breakout 3: Focus On: France 1430 Break 1500 TMA Connect Roundtables. Intimate, coffee shop-style conversations on the topics most important to you 1600 Keynote: Lender Landscapes 1700-1800 Opening Networking Reception 1830-2030 Cocktail Dinatoire – with stunning views of the Eiffel Tower
0800-0930 TMA NOW Breakfast 0800-1700 Registration open 0830-1800 Networking Hub & Sponsor Lounge. 1:1 meetings available throughout the day 0930-1000 Welcome & Opening Remarks 1000-1100 Keynote: Trends in Tech 1100-1130 Break 1100-1300 Workshop: co-hosted by NextGen & TMA NOW 1130-1245 Rapid Fire Masterclasses. Four x 20-minute technical masterclasses, incl Q&A 1245-1400 ReFuel & ReConnect Networking Lunch 1400-1500 Breakout 4: Real Estate 1400-1500 Breakout 5: Trends in Operational Restructuring – Three Key Drivers For Strategic Success 1500-1530 Break 1530-1630 Keynote: The Restructure of Notre Dame 1630-1800 Closing Networking Reception
Programme is subject to change.
For the nights of 30 May through 4 June, a room block is available at the Pullman Paris Tour Eiffel for conference attendees. A Classique King Room for single occupancy is €380/night including breakfast but excluding tax. If you wish to stay outside of these dates, please contact the hotel directly.
Please review cancellation and guarantee policy before booking your room reservation. Make your reservation here.
Please note: TMA does not endorse or recommend any outside groups offering promotional rates at the host hotel and cannot guarantee their credibility.

The role of coverages (W&I, D&O, etc.) in Turnarounds
Mrs. Heloïse Husson, Diot Scaci & Swiss Risk Care
The role of coverages in Turnarounds - Warranty and indemnity (W&I) in the case of M&A and/or Turnaround
Second Speaker and Topic To Be Announced
Register now

AGM 2025 and National Convention STA / TMA CH
Dr. Roger Bischof, Chairman of STA / TMA CH
STA Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Mr. Philipp Bucher, CEO of Chopfab Boxer
Fire Sale of Boxer Beers to Appenzeller Brauerei Locher
Mr. Alessandro Farsaci, Managing Director, Alvarez & Marsal
Prepack Sale of Hochdorf
Panel Discussion
Mrs. Suzanne Thoma, Executive Chairwoman Sulzer, ex-CEO BKW
The changing face of the European Restructuring market
Mr. Etienne Jornod, Chairman and Co-owner OM Pharma, Hon. Chairman Galenica and Vifor Pharma, Former Chairman NZZ
Turnaround in the media industry: moving from declining paper sales to successful marketshare developments
Cocktail and Apéro Riche
Register now

TMA Global - Annual Conference
Register here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/r9BU429/2025TMAAnnual

The EU Retail Sector & Its Challenges (TMA LIVE & EACTP)
TMA LIVE: Ristorante Savini, Via Ugo Foscolo, 5, 20121 Milano
Tuesday 18 March, 1830-2000: Aperitivo/pre-event drinks reception.
Wednesday 19 March, 0830-1500: TMA LIVE programme
Those attending EACTP's workshops in Bergamo the next day should plan to travel by train from Milan to Bergamo. This is at the individual's cost and not included in the registration fee.
EACTP Educational Workshops: Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Via dei Caniana - Aula Galeotti, Bergamo
Thursday 20 March, 0830-1800: EACTP Turbocharged Turnaround Workshops
TMA LIVE - 18/19 March:
Regular Registration €349
NextGen (under 40) Registration €249
EACTP Educational Workshops - 20 March:
CTP/TMA Member €449
CTA/NextGen (under 40) €299
CTA Student €249
Non-Member €559
No VAT is chargeable. As such, a VAT invoice is not possible via Eventbrite. Payment confirmation is included on the event confirmation email.
Refund Policy: EACTP must receive all cancellations in writing via e-mail at hjacobi@turnaround.org. You can make a name change for a €50 admin fee. Cancellations received on or before midnight CET Wednesday 19th February 2025 (4 weeks out from the event) will be refunded, less the Eventbrite processing fee. No refunds will be granted after Wednesday 19th February 2025.
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tma-live-eactp-educational-workshops-2025-tickets-1214798979449?aff=oddtdtcreator

Active Investors in Turnarounds
Mr. Emmanuel Atlan & Mr. Matt Meehan, Sandton Capital Partners
Refinancing or Restructuring: The role of credit funds
Roman Sturzenegger, NKF Niederer Kraft Frey
Practical legal issues faced in recent distressed M&A transactions
Register now

TMA PowerHour with TMA France
STA/TMA Switzerland is pleased to hold a PowerHour (virtual networking session) with TMA France. The purpose of this meeting is to enable the members in the two different chapters to get to know each other and to exchange experiences, together with similarites and differences between the two countries from a turnaround and corporate renewal perspective.
Welcome by the chapter presidents
Roger Bischof and John Lloyd
Open discussion among the members in break-out rooms with rotation (English and French)
All participating TMA Switzerland and TMA France members

TMA Next Gen Event 2024 #3
Negotiation Workshop
Sammy Guidoum
Catrhin Marxer
Benedikt Rutscheidt
Markus Wolf
(all Baker McKenzie)
Register now

Turnarounds: Insurance Solutions and Geopolitical Shifts
Mr. Morgan McMillan, McGriff Brokerage
Insurance Consortiums: A solution for big turnaround cases
Mr. Cristian Rodriguez-Chiffelle, BCG - Partner and Director on Geopolitics, Investments, and Trade
Navigating Europe’s Geopolitical Shifts: Key Drivers of Business Turnarounds
Register now

Hospitals in Crisis
Join us for an interesting panel discussion on the current Swiss hospital crisis and turnaround opportunities with the following panelists:
Otto Bitterli, former CEO of Sanitas Gruppe
Markus Voegeli, Director Finance and Services, Psychiatric University Clinic Zurich, Board Member, Bülach Hospital
Edi Salib, Girschweiler Partner AG, Former Administrator of Stiftung Hochgebirgsklinik (Davos) und Paracelsus Spital (Richterswil)
moderated by Simon Roth, Swiss Turnaround Association
Register Now

AGM 2024 and National Convention STA / TMA CH
Dr. Roger Bischof, Chairman of STA / TMA CH
STA Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Mr. Mirco Iwan, Managing Director / Operating Partner for Direct Investment Portfolios
Managing special situations and the development of the Operating Partner model
Mr. Marcel Jakob, Partner, Schellenberg Wittmer Attorneys, Zurich
Venture in Distress: Restructuring Emerging Companies
Mrs. Jo Hewitt, MD Insolvency, London - Alvarez & Marsal
The changing face of the European Restructuring market
Mr. Etienne Jornod, Chairman and Co-owner OM Pharma, Hon. Chairman Galenica and Vifor Pharma, Former Chairman NZZ
Strategic and human experiences in business transformations
Cocktail and Apéro Riche
Register now

Legal in Turnarounds and M&A
Dr. Roland Fischer, Lenz & Staehelin
Partially collective restructuring procedures. A concept worth adopting in Switzerland?
Dr. Frank Gerhard and Dr. Stefan Kramer, Homburger
Pre-pack and other instruments from the toolbox of the distressed M&A practitioner
Register now

TMA Next Gen Event 2024 #2
Finanzielle Berichterstattung eines Unternehmens in der Krise
Vincent Oschwald, Senior Consultant KPMG Turnaround & Restructuring
Franziska Weig, Consultant KPMG Turnaround & Restructuring
moderated by Mrs. Luisa Nietmann & Christian Rigert
Please see the flyer for more information.
Register now

Turnarounds and M&A
Presentation from a Practitioner about
Restructuring as a road to clarity
Mr. Jacques Berger, Senior Advisor, Mazars Suisse
Corporate finance & M&A: A turnaround case
Register now

Blockbuster Liquidation
Dr. Ralf Moldenhauer, Boston Consulting Group
Russian Discotheque - Behind the Scenes of Gazprom Germania's Rescue
Mr. Karl Wüthrich, Wenger Plattner
Lessons learnt from the liquidation of Swissair
moderated by Max Lieber, Boston Consulting Group
Register now
TMA Next Gen Event 2024 #1
Marc Meier, Managing Director of A.B.S. Factoring AG
Factoring for Distressed Companies
moderated by Mrs. Luisa Nietmann & Christian Rigert